Summer Lovin’…

Hello All!

Hope you have enjoyed my two reviews from my time in Spain and a big thanks to ‘Martin Kent’  and his lovely fans who gave me such a positive response on Facebook to my ‘Slipstick’ review,please follow me if you are someone who enjoyed it!

I’m having a very chilled Summer so far, lots of vino and working in a small vintage shop to earn some pennies. I also had a lovely few days in Edinburgh for my friend Stacey’s graduation- makes me very excited for mine in November! Enjoy this obligatory Edinburgh ‘bathroom selfy’. 



I’ve made a promise to myself to relax this Summer and basically stay away from the theatricality (apart from as an audience member of course!). However I’m tempted to break this as I am always on the look out to get more directing experience! If anyone knows of someone looking for an exciting, new, cutting edge, young director (preferably in the Dumfries and Galloway area) have them get in touch with me 😉 

Hopefully more reviews to come soon! 

Hope you are all enjoying Summer as much as I am!

Love and Sunshine,

LP<3 xxx